November 20, 2020
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When it comes to gender diversity, the tech industry is infamously lacking in representation and inclusion. Indeed, despite a drive to encourage women into STEM careers, the number of women in tech has barely increased in the past decade. Yet the tech industry offers secure employment, excellent wages and a clear career progression, so what gives? Why are there so few women in tech and how do we solve this concerning lack of diversity? These are just some of the questions the 2020 Women in Tech Festival Global aims to discuss.
A two-day virtual event taking place from Monday 30th November to Tuesday 1st December, this online conference includes talks, workshops and keynote speeches centred around the themes of empowerment, development and management for women working in the tech industry. In order to mark the Women in Tech Festival 2020, we’re taking a look at Elite Group IT’s women in tech and asking them about their experience in the industry.
“I think there’s a slight misconception that it’s a ‘nerdy’, all-male industry, but at Elite Group IT, that’s not the case at all. I would say there are a variety of women that work in tech. I never thought of myself as a ‘woman in tech’ before- but it turns out I am.”
“Out of the nine of us in digital, only two of the team are guys. It’s predominately female-led and it’s quite a diverse team in terms of skills sets; the women aren’t pigeon-holed into one particular niche. We have women working in graphic design, analytics, web design and content management-there’s certainly a lot more diverse roles now available in tech than there used to be.”
“There’s definitely a stereotype around tech but now that I’ve entered the industry, I’ve broken my own stereotypes about what tech is and what it involves. If I were to speak to anyone who’s hesitant about going into tech, I would definitely tell them that it’s more than what you think it is- don’t stereotype it as something you can’t do because it’s just for ‘nerdy boys’. The only barriers that exist are the ones we create ourselves. It’s nowhere near as scary or daunting as you think it’ll be.”
“Women in tech can bring different characteristics and perspectives to their day-to-day roles or admin positions, thinking creatively to find solutions to problems or challenges. I think the tech industry is slowly becoming less male dominated, especially at Elite Group IT. We have women in a number of different tech roles, whether that’s in first line support or other areas of the company like marketing and sales”
“It’s really diverse and a very interesting field to be in. More women do need to step up and realise they can take on tech roles and that there are more IT professionals out there that are women. Having more women in tech diversifies the marketplace a bit more, and maybe opens up communication on a slightly different level.”
Elite Group IT are proud to support diversity and inclusion across all levels of the company; it’s not just engrained in our company values, but in our very DNA. At Elite Group IT, we seek the best employees to develop and nurture, regardless of their background, gender, race or sexuality. A diverse workforce is a dynamic workforce- one that helps breed better understanding, greater creativity and powerful productivity.
Elite Group IT is one of the island’s leading IT and unified communication providers, supplying reliable and professional IT and telecoms services to organisations seeking Connectivity, UC & Voice, Cloud Service, IT Software and Security solutions.
For more information on how Elite Group IT can help your business flourish through technology, contact us today.